Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Failure to Submit pt.4

After putting a somewhat solid effort into finding a publisher, I realized I was gonna have to find a way to distribute my book on my own. How to do this was the next hurdle my fat ass was gonna have to jump. The options are out there to be a successful self-publisher but trying to figure out which one to choose or more importantly which one was right for my book was the question.Here are the options I came up with..

1. Do a webcomic.
2. Go to Kickstarter 
3. Put it on Comixology.

The whole webcomic thing is not really something i'm familiar with but it's simple to set up so I went for it. I set up a site using Blogger and went ahead and posted some of the book.I'm not sure if i'll post the whole book yet cause i'm just not sure if my book really works with a weekly update schedule. Also, i'm not really sure if I can make any money this way. I don't do this for the money but I got bills to pay. So.. for right now i'll just use it as a "preview" for my comic. 

I thought about Comixology's submit program but I saw that they take 50% of your gross profit. If they printed it out, maybe, but this is digital. All they do is format it for mobile devices (not that hard) and post it online. They even make you pay for distribution and credit card fees. For what they do, taking half of your profits just seems a little high.

So right now it seems Kickstarter is the right option for me. Now I just got to freshen up on my Sony Vegas skills and make a video that will probably end up kind of shitty. Then figure out a way to make my project not fail horribly. Stressful times await. 

end Failure to Submit 4 


  1. I found your comic on Kickstarter and I fell in love with it. I love the premise. I'm sorry I couldn't contribute more than $10, but I did post it on my facebook.

    Best of luck!

    1. Thanks, I really appreciate it. I went into Kickstarter just to see if anyone would notice it, so I'm happy if I get only a few people to check it out. I suck at the whole self-promotion stuff like twitter and facebook so I don't really see this project getting backed. So no matter what I'll send you the digital copies of the first 2 issues when this is over, I'd rather have people read this thing than make any money. Thanks again, it means a lot to me.
